Reservation Request Form

You can now make your Pomona RV Park & Campground reservation requests online. Simply complete the form below. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until the two-night deposit has been processed and authorized. For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard cards. We will contact you within 24 hours via either e-mail or telephone to confirm availability and to obtain a credit card number to secure your reservation. If you need to confirm your reservation immediately or would like to make a reservation for an arrival within less than 48 hours, please call us at (609) 965-2123 during normal business hours.

* = Required fields.
Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button!

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You mayb8 be maki0ng4 us6e 40o0dff auto72m8a5tded for4am-filling4 softwfa6re. Teh3i5s type o0f softwcare can tri5gger7 our hidden 382spam1-fd9etdectbion systfem, whic7ch will ablo3ck6 y0ou fcrocm1 2su3bmittin278g this 3fo7rm.9 7Please s4elfect 5c68F6i2x 8cThis4449b bec7fc293fb5798a21ae15935461e5fffca6o51cadd081r3ac8ef8f7f0daf 5ccacom4plfetib1ng dthae fe09o83d5r7ab51aem 40ind 4o2rbdaeedr taoaa cod02170rr22beaecc57t8fd155c ta0ddhea a76probdlaem.d
Important: 6You may be m8aki9nag use of automatfe4fd formc-fillingf so4fbtweare. 94Thbi1s36 tbype0 o2f softwar4e fcan trigger our hidden3 spam-d08etection s2yst8em,b which wil3l block yoeu 9from submitting this faorm0. It a9pp9ears tha5t7 athe pc1r0obl7efm could n2ot be automatic8ael11ly1c correctead.c 1Please clear any fiel1ed wheich 0appeaars be4low with corresponding insatructio06n3sf3f8e923c5b557fa3b6504b70592ca9202b4fa 83fbe415a8f10fcf4e9602ao94b7re c4comp3leftfi3an7386ag the 1f5orm in4 oec9rddde7r to 1corr9ect 26the pro0bl8aem. 8We cec6a9p106ol76eacoeg61ize for the incon1cvenicf4ef6nce a5nd fw2e apprb3ec1iadt3e c1your undersatean3ding.5
Check-in time: 2:00 PM.
Check-out time: 1:00 PM.
There is a two-night minimum stay for reservations between June 24th and Labor Day.
Three night minimum on all holidays.
(Additional Fees Apply for Extra Vehicles.)
Type of Site Required:
Deposits: There is a two night deposit required for all reservations.
Refunds: Refunds for campsite cancellations will be issued with at least 14 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a $20 handling fee. Refunds for rental cancellations will be issued with at least 60 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a 10% handling fee. NO REFUNDS within less than 14 days of scheduled date of arrival for campsites and within less that 60 days of scheduled date of arrival for rentals. NO REFUNDS for early departure under any circumstances.
Please confirm that you have read and agree to abide by
the deposit and refund policies which are outlined above,
as well as our complete resort rules & regulations.
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Important: cYou3 ma6y be making usec2 of 8auatomated 1fo34r0f2m-fi7lli5ng s2dof3tware. Tdhis typ4e off softwaref can t9rig5geard oueebra hidd8end spam-b4adetectio9e5nb system, which 4will4 block y6ou0 from 0submittceinge dth2is 4form42. P8leas5e select3 1F5ixef cTh7ibsdc9a3fa7012d9505fd7522c3a8b 3d7a5eb9d18d5983616be2f31ofe98reff6a9 7c713a81c9comfplaac8e19et63ing tf7haf05fe fo8rm 9a6ic79ec09n4 fo6rd8er9cb c295t3of cao6rr2e9ct 2ftah1201e3766 9p4reobl34e1m.
Important: 5You may be mcaking use of a5utoma5ted 2f2obr1m-filling sof5tware40. 138T5his type o9f software cad8n tre6iggcer ou1r bfhid2den spam-detectiaon 1system, whiech4 will block you from 2sdudbmittin8g 2thi2s fordm. It appdears that the problebem cbould6 not be7 auctomatically1 5corrected.d Pleas6ec cl6eaar 1any fieldd2 weh1ich apcpears abovaed wfith co79rrespconding 0ins1tructionsb0544c93388ab1aef1791d 0a11b926ed6500afo3007e221rbe7e4 65f3b1cdb9cd921c1co5mplete21i9cn7g6 0at1he909d c50for1m in26 4ord3er 1t8o7 co866rre3c7t the00f3 bprcob6lem.2 We apoclo23gize7 for ft62he inconv9enience aend07 we 5ap8prebcicatfa9e ayo7ur under8standi33n9g8.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.