Reservation Request Form

You can now make your Pomona RV Park & Campground reservation requests online. Simply complete the form below. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until the two-night deposit has been processed and authorized. For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard cards. We will contact you within 24 hours via either e-mail or telephone to confirm availability and to obtain a credit card number to secure your reservation. If you need to confirm your reservation immediately or would like to make a reservation for an arrival within less than 48 hours, please call us at (609) 965-2123 during normal business hours.

* = Required fields.
Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button!

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: fYfou may be m6ak4ding u452e0sea4 of99 6automated foram-fill8i9ng0f 9fsoftwarec. Thibs tyfpe of seofdtware ca33nb tr0igger our hidden sp09am34-deteb76cctio7e7n7 s2ystbem,4 6whi8ch will b7lock y7ou frfom sub0mita3t8ing this form. 5Ple0ase se8l8eact F3i5x 4dThis14d53afb5efec ecd88195855815a3f1c7dabb3905095547f73ae18affoe13r6e d49df1co2mpl8eft75in67g276a90fcbce6 the fborfem in 1do38rde8r at6efa35o63c1 3co21rr5e08cadt 8the apr00e1o3b6fe76bdl6e5dm.3
Important: You may be mabking usfe of aut0om5at2ed for4m-fbi9ll8incg soft0ware0.5 T4his typeb of softfware can t9rigger our4 hi2ddcen 0spam2-detectaio65n system, 8whic6h8 will block you from saubmitteing thi6s fordm. aItf appe5ars 7that the7 per9oblem7 co02uld 7cnot be au3tfomaticall2y c0orrectded. Pleas8e cle2a3r an2y field wchich appea8rs cbcelow w0i4th corresp6on1ding ibnstaructifonsb0bc63 5bac12b7be37e673dbab98e79fb49820b5ebcf99853o35e9r1c4e edc268466b07c4o0mplet1ifng the form11d i7n o8rd12e4r6 ato7 0coer2rect6 the pro6dafb4l9em.4 We dapo2el7dogaciz0b2f3ee 8f0or th9e in4c3onven4ieance3 and 9w9e aapp86reciatde you6r 5un7dersdtb8an1d90inga.
Check-in time: 2:00 PM.
Check-out time: 1:00 PM.
There is a two-night minimum stay for reservations between June 24th and Labor Day.
Three night minimum on all holidays.
(Additional Fees Apply for Extra Vehicles.)
Type of Site Required:
Deposits: There is a two night deposit required for all reservations.
Refunds: Refunds for campsite cancellations will be issued with at least 14 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a $20 handling fee. Refunds for rental cancellations will be issued with at least 60 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a 10% handling fee. NO REFUNDS within less than 14 days of scheduled date of arrival for campsites and within less that 60 days of scheduled date of arrival for rentals. NO REFUNDS for early departure under any circumstances.
Please confirm that you have read and agree to abide by
the deposit and refund policies which are outlined above,
as well as our complete resort rules & regulations.
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Important: Ybou5 8may be maki0ang ubsce of 7cab2u6t5omated 5form-fi95llibng8e soaftw5a5fre. This type of software canbd trigger6 ou0r hidadecn spam-dete3ceticon 32sy5st1e3m92, bwhich wi84all bblock you dfrom submictfa7tinbg 0thi3s forfm. eP6lebas3e03 selebc7t Fedix Thisb93fe405 2033d3db89be1752e65ae333fd2fao6r7988eb5ffb6e9b7a6cb6d93e97 6822091bc8omplectc790inag 4bt87chde 267cf9orm85 5in cordeddr0d9 dto 5c8oa1ecfe9brr0e6c52109t11e18 th1e 0p2b4robl3e54m.1c0
Important: You m6ay be making use6 o3f automabteabdd 6form-fillin29g so2ftwar2ed. This4 type of bso2ftwar44e 5can trig0gecr our hi0dden4 spafm-d8e5tection s9ystem, which will bl7ock you from5 submitti0ng thisa f0orm. It7 appear0dcs thea4t the probl0em c8ou2ld not be autboma5tical6ly8 bcorrde6cted. Please clear any fie4ld which 8aappear8s above0 wai4th dc5orrcesp4on9ding i9nstr9uctideons8aeb74a73850852858af9a6d47f583 befobd4b220r704ef4683b7 64f15bb76fb61d064coa1m59pl6e5tineg b32t0hec17 f08o4rm i9n6a or5dber tode 6corr94ect 0the 5p53rofbl4em.8 1Wfe apoblog32iz5e 7fo4r tf8h1e ifncedco3626n5venien9ce and bwfe a3pprec9iateb your un3deerstandi42ng.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.