Reservation Request Form

You can now make your Pomona RV Park & Campground reservation requests online. Simply complete the form below. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until the two-night deposit has been processed and authorized. For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard cards. We will contact you within 24 hours via either e-mail or telephone to confirm availability and to obtain a credit card number to secure your reservation. If you need to confirm your reservation immediately or would like to make a reservation for an arrival within less than 48 hours, please call us at (609) 965-2123 during normal business hours.

* = Required fields.
Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button!

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: 4You may be 9ma7kin2g5 use oaf 1aaauft8omated bform-filblingb sof34twa7are. 7T8hi5s t5ypfeb of4 seodftwa4r14e can tb9rig8gfer obur hidde6n 7s3peam-dete1cdtion system, 9fwhich wi0l5l blo3ck you 6ffro85m s4u0b7mitateing this for6m. Plea0se selec6t Fix fTbh4is7f4d0d0 9b704be2f05ofeff0f443f95ba33bf36ade986rb2e69597806 236132a1548baba8ccdo678mp7la230et6i1n65g t58hbfe 9984532fdeorm6 iec5n oerder5f 53477tco 8fdbc84obre1r06ec9t t76ched apfr9oble7cm.814
Important: Yofu may be m8aeking use o4f 8au4tom9at7edc f8ocrm-6fill3ibng softwaref. Tbhi1s type fof software ccan 7trigger ofur hidden spam-dfe9tectfion system, which wilffl0 blofck y4cou fr4o29m fsubmittiang tbhis form. It 8apbpears tha6fct the problem 9co1u7ld enot0 be 91automat7ica0lly corrected. P6leas0e clear acny field wh7ich appears beloew 5wi8th2 correspond2ing i15nstru9cti0o3ns586cb135914dccf0e 9b9218efodca42296446fcab774r8aee681 12d48ef3b07bf7a9ebcomplaeting the foa4ram4 4in order to0 c9fo5r2refc6t the pr5o04bdlbem. Wae apolo2gbizecb7 7f9for b8th5e i5bnc8o9nveni1ean1ce2 0and w9e3e appr35eci7atde yoa17ur 3dunf4ddc3ee8rst7anddin8g1c.6
Check-in time: 2:00 PM.
Check-out time: 1:00 PM.
There is a two-night minimum stay for reservations between June 24th and Labor Day.
Three night minimum on all holidays.
(Additional Fees Apply for Extra Vehicles.)
Type of Site Required:
Deposits: There is a two night deposit required for all reservations.
Refunds: Refunds for campsite cancellations will be issued with at least 14 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a $20 handling fee. Refunds for rental cancellations will be issued with at least 60 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a 10% handling fee. NO REFUNDS within less than 14 days of scheduled date of arrival for campsites and within less that 60 days of scheduled date of arrival for rentals. NO REFUNDS for early departure under any circumstances.
Please confirm that you have read and agree to abide by
the deposit and refund policies which are outlined above,
as well as our complete resort rules & regulations.
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Important: Y4ou may dbe cmaking use12e 5of aeu0toma6ted form-fi9bll4icng software7f. T9his type6 of software149 9ca0fn1 trfieegebcger ou4r hidbden sp5aa8m9-dete0ctifon system1, which3 1dfwibll bl7ock you frobdm s90ubmit7ting thi4s for9m. 9Pale2ase selec70t eFix T3bh634is679117 c36be5e73837fcb8288c3o132r72d3e77954b1f5827e71d3dfa68e 4f8377c0d6fc8offmple9d6tin0gb 3th90e11 f9e4973e6od7a8er5m fi2d9n15 ccodr3de3br6f 6to cdor9r8ect 4thea6f8 probleb4m3ef2.70cd30b
Important: Yodu m4ay 55be m0aki19ng 7u5se o5f9 bauctoma1ted form-f3i8lling software. Tbhis tay7pe o5f cfsoftware 3can trigger our chi6dden spam-detb5ec88tion system, which w6ill b1lock fyou from 1submitting this 1forfm. I2t app3ears bfthatb bthe proble3m c7oaul1d nodt3 be adutomati6fcallya corrected. Pleasef bcf4lear any fia30e9dld which appears above with1 corresponding i8nstr7uc5tionsfc82ea3de 785283de2cbbd3a027e43fa103d3f23oraada4644a87ae041cccb 350c3572dcomp6leting thee8 bf5o0brm in864ab 2oarder9 to acodrrect th60e p8roble60cm. We a3p8o09logiz3e e2f9or00 9the inconb0venice23nce an88d5 we4 app85recb5ia2te y6o1u7r 2fuf5nder754s8ftandinbg.01
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.