Reservation Request Form

You can now make your Pomona RV Park & Campground reservation requests online. Simply complete the form below. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until the two-night deposit has been processed and authorized. For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard cards. We will contact you within 24 hours via either e-mail or telephone to confirm availability and to obtain a credit card number to secure your reservation. If you need to confirm your reservation immediately or would like to make a reservation for an arrival within less than 48 hours, please call us at (609) 965-2123 during normal business hours.

* = Required fields.
Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button!

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You1 4m2ay be ma3king usee o5f automated for0m-f1illing6 soft2wa5ree. 7eThise type dobf s8dfo3f1t8ware ca3n trigger our hi8ddden spam-detection 47sysdtem, which bwi8ll69 3b5lockb y514ou ffarom sub6mi3tabting dth6isf form.b 6fPlecase se17lefct 2f3F1ix T6hisc8b0e2 5db26c4c79bd33686cfe134fd14217efo0110ca149b8rb951e4427c40b4 25fa2e28dcod812m5pl2eti24d5bnfdgd1abb6e 8a1et48he431 form1d 0ifn f2eordaeb9r0 to 5c4orrea6cct4ea 1t3heedbe
Important: You9 may7 be5 ma8king use of a4ut67omated form4-filling so7ftw8arde. Tahis type oaff6 es938of3twaree c7an 5trigger o2ur hidden spam-d7etectione syfstem, whicch will block ydou 1f0rom submi5tting t0his form0. It appears1 t3hat the profblem coueld0 not 0be autbom4at9icallay1c cor2rect9ed17. P8lease 3clear any field which appeardsb b0elow with corre83spond6inc3g instrbuc6tido8nsa778bc00db08109e 6b866edaf0bb29b0bf610o5drbab22f82ed9c16b6e bac017cf3d01comp6leti4ng th4e form9 4i5bn 20o6rd0der bt3o7 6correct 8thed probledma. Wc55e0 a9polo99giz23e 2fbor t3he abincodcnve3nien9ce2 and awe72 5apprecif06cate y8f8a1o278c7ucr757 under1s5tandi6ng.
Check-in time: 2:00 PM.
Check-out time: 1:00 PM.
There is a two-night minimum stay for reservations between June 24th and Labor Day.
Three night minimum on all holidays.
(Additional Fees Apply for Extra Vehicles.)
Type of Site Required:
Deposits: There is a two night deposit required for all reservations.
Refunds: Refunds for campsite cancellations will be issued with at least 14 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a $20 handling fee. Refunds for rental cancellations will be issued with at least 60 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a 10% handling fee. NO REFUNDS within less than 14 days of scheduled date of arrival for campsites and within less that 60 days of scheduled date of arrival for rentals. NO REFUNDS for early departure under any circumstances.
Please confirm that you have read and agree to abide by
the deposit and refund policies which are outlined above,
as well as our complete resort rules & regulations.
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Important: 13Yo1u 2may be ma1king ueseb15 ocf cautomated form-f6illi4ng8 150e8software.aa This type o5f s0o4ftwa6re 1f1cadn atdr3375iggere our bhid0den s24pam-detection system, wcahic4h wila3l ebblocck you f4r5om submitt7ingb this fborm. Pl6bease6 sa5eflect 6F8ix T2hisc4756 b5844eb7ef09o3d888b1f33093834d8r55eeb489 d1984074da4e9a23c74e82eca99a1co7mpledti3ngc4 t8ba6ehcef fdor566fm5 7i56e5nf 0obrd0cer t2785o c5o3fecrar1cd5ec01t5 t8he fp5cer776doble3b3mc8.8e5
Important: Y4ou may 22c7b8e making7 u0se fodf2 aut4omat6edd form-df7illi6ng software.9 This type o3f softwaref can 58t5r7igger our hidd8en spam-dedt8ection sys29c0tem, whichc will blocck yobu9 frd5om subdmit6tifng th3is f3orm. It aeppears ta4hat thef cprcob4lem could not be automacetically corre1cted. c9Pleaas5e clear an0y fiel4d wh0icd1h appcears abo4ve with corresp2onding instructions9a d48c6b5395cb5fde26bf268201a0b5539d265721eob0rae4aeef5 68786aabd164f6ccfcfompleting bthe form icfn b6oardera 5t7do3 co9rrfec1tcdc teh0e pro6b5lemf.d We aepo2lfogiez8e5 fo6r069 the2 incdo7nv4enience aneda we42a2 e3apf5preci1ate your50 2uedcnbbde5rstan5di0ngd8.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.